This week has been so busy. We are finally making progress on the property. I called and set up appointments with a few companies on Monday, met with the guys yesterday and today and we will be getting the trees and brush cleared on Monday!
Not only that, but the guy we decided to hire is really awesome and he's going to be looking around for companies to do the water well, the septic tank and the electricity. This guy also does driveways and other site clearing, so we will probably have him do a little more work before then.
I'm thinking out next major investment on the property will be SOLAR ENERGY!! Because seriously, we might as well use the rest to get ourselves off the grid. Louisiana has a new 50% tax rebate on solar energy now too....
I'm excited. Being out there this morning reminded me just how beautiful that place is and how much I can't wait to be out there, and have Callum grow up there.
We'll be spending less per month on the loans for the trailer and setup than I would have spent on rent at my old apartment for less than 4 years. And we'll have it paid off in FIVE. Nice. 100% ours in 5 years.
Then solar, and trying to grow our own food and having a cute little family...