Thursday, July 23, 2009

No air conditioning

The baby and I have been spending our days without air conditioning. One thing that does to you is get you outside! My only real problem is having a clingy infant grabbing and crawling all over me when it's 90 degrees inside.
I find myself wishing he were a toddler or an older child so I could just set him on the grass and let him run free... but the grass hasn't been cut in weeks now, and ants are swarming and wasps are all over the porch. I'll be honest, outside really isn't much better right now.

My father in law found a fun article about this very subject: The Unchilled Life.

I find the first line quite funny: "TO many Americans, abstaining from air-conditioning is a masochistic folly akin to refusing Novocain or renouncing the dishwasher." We actually gave up the dishwasher awhile ago and TODAY I was mentioning to my grandmother how much I liked her dentist because he didn't shoot me up with novacaine to fill one little tooth.

Oh well, I guess I know where I fall now...

1 comment:

  1. try hanging wet towels in the doorways or in front of a fan. another thing is damp cool cloths on the back of the neck. Good luck!
